RPL’s Preschool Power Storytime
RPL’s Preschool Power Storytime
Preschooler Parents/Caregivers: Come to this fun-filled program for stories, songs, felt-board rhymes, and crafts.
Preschooler Parents/Caregivers: Come to this fun-filled program for stories, songs, felt-board rhymes, and crafts.
Meet new friends, listen to stories, and get moving in this fun, interactive story time to strengthen social, fine motor, and early literacy skills.
Preschooler Parents/Caregivers: Come to this fun-filled program for stories, songs, felt-board rhymes, and crafts.
Meet new friends, listen to stories, and get moving in this fun, interactive story time to strengthen social, fine motor, and early literacy skills.
Meet new friends, listen to stories, and get moving in this fun, interactive story time to strengthen social, fine motor, and early literacy skills.